
This project aims to create a consolidated, comprehensive online archive of the collected papers of the German economist and spatial theorist Karl Wilhelm August Lösch (1906-1945), among whose most influential teachers and life-long mentors were the great German economists Walter Eucken (1891-1950), Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950), and Arthur Spiethoff (1873-1957).

Key features of the online archive include digitized manuscripts (including hitherto unpublished works), collected papers as well as transcribed letters and other correspondence.

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At Heidegger's chalet on Todtnauberg in the Black Forest, Winter 1929
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Material from the "Nachlass Lösch" in the Stadtarchiv, Heidenheim
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August Lösch (ca. 1936)
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Lösch's formative encounter with the Keynes-Ohlin debate on the "transfer problem" in Schumpeter's Public Finance Seminar (Bonn, SS 1930)
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Group photo of the Schumpeter Seminar (Bonn, SS 1931)
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Downtown Heidenheim, Württ., Germany---Lösch's home town
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Lösch's Rockefeller Foundation file
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First design iteration of Lösch's hexagonal regions

For more information, contact: Dr. David Bieri    

Financial support for the August Lösch Archive from the History of Economics Society and from the Virginia Tech Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, & Economics is gratefully acknowledged.